Mustang Academic Program

MAP (Mustang Academic Program) is an academic resource class that provides support to those students who can benefit from one-on-one assistance in Mathematics, English, Reading, and Academic Coaching. Provided by Superior Chicago Tutoring, this program is an opportunity for students to receive small group tutoring that supports classroom success. In addition, students also learn strategies on how to be successful students, test takers, and organized high schoolers. Each student participating in MAP has a resource period built into their schedule.

Qualifications for MAP are based on the following:

  • Students must have a Chicago address.

  • Grades in English, Reading, and Math are C- or lower.

  • Below grade level or 50% scores on standardized tests.

  • Parents must sign a permission form for the student to participate.

For more information on our Mustang Academic Program, please contact:

Mr. Mark Zacek
Mustang Academic Program Coordinator


Mr. Patrick Cahill ‘20
Mustang Academic Program Teacher
