Fathers’ Club
The St. Rita Fathers’ Club welcomes all current and alumni St. Rita Fathers to join us and participate in opportunities to further the continued success of St. Rita and our sons. It is a great way to meet other Fathers, get involved in your son’s experience at St. Rita and build long lasting relationships.
We meet monthly on the second Wednesday of each month. Dinner begins at 6:30 PM followed by a business meeting at 7:30 PM. The May through October meetings are held at the concession stand located within the stadium, and the November through April meetings are held in the McCarthy Center.
Over the course of the year, we sponsor numerous activities and lend support to many special events. Some of the activities include:
Hosting an Annual Father-Son Bean Bags Tournament
Operating the Stadium Concession Stand
Assisting with Ushering/Hospitality at various school events
Awarding Straight A Students with a monetary Heeney Award following the conclusion of each semester
Sponsoring and providing breakfast for various Masses
Providing financial assistance to the works of St. Rita of Cascia High School
The St. Rita Fathers’ Club strives to foster fellowship, camaraderie, and service to the young men of St. Rita of Cascia High School, our sons, through tireless commitment to the core values of the school — Truth, Unity and Love. Our goal is to ensure all fathers and guardians of “Ritamen” are welcomed and encouraged to get involved with their sons’ experience at St. Rita High School.
There are no dues to pay. The first day your son enrolls in classes at St. Rita, you become a member of the St. Rita Fathers’ Club, and you remain welcome long after your son graduates and begins the next chapter in life’s journey.
We look forward to you joining us at one of our upcoming events. If you would like to be added to the St. Rita Fathers’ Club email list, please send an email to fathersclub@stritahs.com.
Upcoming Events
JV: 4:30 PM
Varsity: 6:30 PM
Time: 4:45 PM
Time: 9:00 AM with breakfast to follow
Please arrive at 7:00 AM to help prepare breakfast
Time: 8:00 AM
Breakfast will be served
JV: 5:00 PM
Varsity: 6:30 PM
Time: 4:45 PM
Time: 8:00 AM
Breakfast will be served
Time: 4:45 PM
JV: 4:30 PM
Varsity: 6:30 PM
JV: 5:00 PM
Varsity: 7:00 PM
Dinner: 6:30 PM | Meeting: 7:30 PM
Location: Concession Stand
JV: 5:00 PM
Varsity: 7:00 PM
JV: 5:00 PM
Varsity: 7:00 PM
JV: 4:30 PM
Varsity: 6:30 PM
Meet Our Team
President: Tony Skokal '85 - (Anthony '19, Joe '20, & Vince '25)
Vice President: Jim Motill '88 - (Caden '25)
Treasurer: Nick Sellis - (Jake '27)
Secretary: Jeff Zlotkowski - (Jace '27)
Sergeant at Arms: Tony Pro - (Ciro '25 & Nico '28)
Moderator: Josh Blaszak ’02
Contact: fathersclub@stritahs.com